Piotr Chmielewski & Julie Peitersen Poland

Piotr Chmielewski is an autodidact in animation, a PhD student in economics and holds a master’s degree in African studies. For the past several years, he has worked as a freelancer and creator of stop-motion animations for various NGOs in Poland and abroad. His favourite techniques are puppet and cut-out animation. He is a participant of Animation Sans Frontiéres 2018-19. His idea for the short film “Crab” has already received several awards including a Special Mention at the Visegrad Animation Forum, the Animation Sans Frontiéres Scholarship, the Piotr Kubiak Sound Studio Special Award, the Dragon Frame Award at the Animarkt Stop Motion Forum and the Ale kino+ Special Award.

Attending APD
Project Title
Project Information

TALENT PROJECT via Animation sans Frontières (ASF)

Short Film 6’, in concept
GENRE: Drama
TARGET GROUP: 0-99 years+
DIRECTOR: Piotr Chmielewski
IN PLACE: < 20%

We follow the life of Crab who lives in an aquarium in the kitchen. The tension is rising because he knows his turn is coming soon. But then something extraordinary happens: this kitchen is on the Titanic and now the ship is sinking. In the huge chaos that ensues, Crab survives and we see him with the objects and drowned animals in the kitchen as he is returned to the bottom of the ocean.

The film will have a very shallow depth of field with limited colours and a big contrast in the sound design of scenes in and out of water. Animals are our silent companions: they witness the greatest achievements and most terrible failures of humankind. In most cases, little attention is paid to them. They live their lives in parallel to ours: they are our food, our tools, or we simply don’t notice them at all. Usually, our victory means death for them. But there are moments when the situation changes… With this film, I hope to arouse empathy and show the fragility of animals in the midst of the deadly chaos created by humans. I want to tell a story that everybody knows, but from a completely different perspective. The idea for this film is part of a bigger concept for a series of short films showing important events in human history from the perspective of animals. 

Piotr Chmielewski, director

Additional information (available on request)

You can watch the teaser at https://vimeo.com/295056404

At APD we are looking for

co-producers and financial support, plus the opportunity to meet other professionals.

Piotr Chmielewski
Piotr Chmielewski
Julie Peitersen
Julie Peitersen